-A Family Advocacy Ministry-
Surrounding vulnerable children, and the families who support them, with caring communities.
Foster children have been torn
from the most foundational of human relationships, that of a child to their parents. When this God-ordained relationship is fractured there are significant spiritual and emotional consequences.
Well-meaning foster parents
stand in the gap
to give these children the love and support that all humans require, but they are often unequipped and unsupported in their difficult work. Most find that they are unable to continue fostering after their initial placement, often due to challenges related to the trauma these children have experienced.
We believe
the Church is the answer.
Placing Christian Care Communities around these families is a proven solution to keep them fostering stronger. The Care Communities provide them with support in the areas of meals, childcare, child mentoring, and prayer. This keeps families fostering longer, and will encourage others to become foster parents when they see that the Church will support them.
We exist to
facilitate the establishment of Care Communities by empowering local networks of Christians to care for foster families.
Care Community Model
A Care Community is an engineered group of 6-8 volunteers who are committed to providing practical aid, like meals and childcare, to a foster family in order to help them foster longer and stronger. Each team is ideally made up of one Team Leader, two Child Mentors, one Interim Caregiver, and four Family Helpers. Each Care Community is assigned to a willing foster family for ongoing support. The care communities are created, supported, and managed by an Advocate.